Workers Comp
Have you been injured on the job? Hire an experienced attorney for help.
Personal Injury
Why should you hire a personal injury attorney in Marin County?
Employee Retirement
Are you a public employee? You should know your rights to receive benefits.
San Rafael Office
790 Mission Ave
San Rafael CA 94901
Phone: (415) 454-8545 or craig@dykmanlaw.com
Craig takes pride in the service he provides to his clients. To learn more about our legal work and the clients we serve, please click the button below.
“When I retired from the City of Mill Valley after a 37 year career, the last 12 years as Director of Police and Fire Services, I contacted Craig to represent me during my retirement. Craig was highly recommended by a number of my colleagues as a very competent and processional Attorney to represent me during this very important process. It was obvious from the beginning on why Craig came so highly recommended; he is absolutely the “Consummate” Professional. Craig has excellent knowledge of the complexities surrounding Workers Comp retirement issues, the “current” laws and as equally important, the ability to communicate with all parties in a professional and respectful manner. Craig kept me informed as things proceeded and he was always accessible by phone and/or in person as questions came up or I just wanted and update. In addition, Craig has an excellent office staff that works with you on even the smallest details to insure you’re comfortable and protected during the process. I would recommend Craig to anyone considering a professional advocate during the retirement process or during any situation that would call for a professional attorney; he is absolutely the “best”.”